
These resources should be most useful to people working on efforts to restore local authority to build networks. While many of the state restrictions are different and therefore pose different challenges, the vast majority stem from powerful special interests in the form of big cable and telephone company lobbyists in the capitol. These materials should help to educate you and any movement seeking to encourage local Internet choice.

Understanding State Municipal Broadband Preemption

·         Baller, Stokes, and Lide maintain the definitive list of state barriers to municipal networks (and partnerships)

·         Podcast interview with Jim Baller on state broadband barriers (with transcript)


·         Fleeced by the Telecoms and Your State is Blessing It – the American Conservative

·         Pssst … Wanna Buy a Law? – Brendan Greeley and Alison Fitzgerald document how several state municipal broadband preemptions were created. And then Bloomberg Businessweek put it behind a paywall.

Fact Sheets

·         Why Local Solutions

·         The Opportunity of Municipal Broadband

·         A Pocket Guide to 5G Hype

Reports and Similar

·         Correcting Community Fiber Fallacies – Exploring how municipal networks are often criticized and sometimes slandered – how much do critics get right? Detailed responses to common attacks on community networks and partnerships.


·         Gig City Sandy in Oregon

·         Ammon, Idaho – The Virtual End of Cable Monopolies